Editor's note: this was by far the most popular post on my old site. I'm not sure why, as this is one of the more "weaker" conspiracy theories (which has seemed to morph, as of late, into the "time-traveler" theory where old photos or statues are compared to current celebrities, sparking rumors of possible immortality or even vampirism)
Have you noticed that Megan Fox has been looking sort of...different lately? Not sure why? Could be botox...or the fact that she has been replaced with an Illuminati clone.
The Celebrity Doppelganger/Clone conspiracy theory is one of the fastest growing within the edgier folds of the Internet, a narrative that combines celebrity gossip, science-fiction, and the evil machinations of an elite secret society.
The "grandfather" of this theory, and possibly the most famous, is the "Faul" Conspiracy -- that Beatle Paul McCartney really died in a car accident in 1966 and was replaced with a lookalike (thus named, "Faul" for "Fake Paul"). The "Paul Is Dead" rumor falls in perfectly with this theory, as the "clues" to the singer's alleged death are supposed to reference the car accident and installation of the "double."

Much of the "Faul" theory hinges on photo analysis of McCartney pre- and post-1966. Photos are placed side-by-side and lines drawn from one feature to another, noting discrepancies. Apply this methodology to other celebrities who have seemed to "change" over the years...and you have a large part of the Celebrity Doppelganger Theory.
Take the case of John Travolta, for instance. When photos of the actor over several decades are compared, his facial features seem to be different. According to the Celebrity Doppelganger Theory, it's possible that Travolta was "replaced" somewhere between 1990-1993. In the case of Megan Fox, it's theorized that she is up to her 2nd possible replacement (which has echoes with the "Grandmoviestar" conspiracy theory & its "23 Megan Foxes").

Of course, there might be other explanations for the change in appearance in these and other celebrities. Age + heavy plastic surgery + Photoshop. Celebs these days are into such extreme -- and in many cases unnatural-looking -- plastic surgery that one couldn't be faulted for believing that they have literally changed/been replaced. And thanks to digital manipulation, any photo can be retouched to "perfection".
Perhaps the existence of the Celebrity Doppelganger Theory is just the natural result of a public who has been subjected to the very unreal world of Hollywood Beauty for far too long.
Or maybe...just maybe...it is something far more sinister.

Doppelganger and Identity Research Society forum
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