Batman knew the real truth behind the "Paul Is Dead" rumor -- and it's a shocker!
Batman #222, published in 1970, featured a very Beatles-looking band called "The Oliver Twists." Robin investigates the rumor that band member Saul Cartwright (Paul McCartney?) had died in a freak motorcycle accident and was replaced by a double. Luckily, Batman/Bruce Wayne is the major stockholder in The Oliver Twists' music label Eden Records (or, Apple Corps), and the two have access to the band.
What is the true shocking secret of the story "Dead...Till Proven Alive?" Saul is Saul -- it's the rest of the band members who are fakes, the originals having died in a tragic plane crash.
Featuring a cover that looks like that of Abbey Road but from a different angle, Batman #222 just proves how utterly pervasive the rumor of Paul McCartney's death and "replacement" was in pop-culture, just a scant year after it started.
Source: Oddball Comics
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