"GOProud Chief Agrees With Marco Rubio: Opposing Gay Marriage Doesn't Make You a Bigot"
Has there ever been an enigma such as GoProud; the proclaimed organization for gay conservatives and their allies?
In his speech to the CPAC crowd, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said:
"Just because I believe that states should have the right to define marriage in the traditional way does not make me a bigot."Lending a hand to the future leader's outdated state of mind, Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder and the executive director of GOProud added:
"Well, our country is dealing with changing attitudes and prejudices relating to gay people... I think that people who just don't like gay people are bigots, but I don't think that people who are wrestling with the issue or thinking about the issue differently are necessarily anti-gay. I just don't .... I know that many people, like you heard tonight, come at it from a religious tradition, and you know, they're struggling with the issue. But I can't call them bigots, because I don't believe that many people in their hearts truly just don't like gay people."Quotes were lifted from the daily/intelligencer
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