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Tamerlan Tsarnaev: what the hell happened here? |
If there is one thing that is becoming clear during the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings and the Brothers Tsarnev, it's that first and foremost these men were "groomed" and set-up by their own family. It's like a horrible, horrible version of "Arrested Development," with the Tsarnaev mom as Lucille.
The mom was on a terrorist watch-list and was taped discussing jihad with her son. The uncle -- the one who threw Tamerlan and Dzhokhar under the bus and called them "losers" -- is now revealed as having CIA ties through a former marriage.
Frankly: while I do not feel pity for the Brothers Tsarnaev for their role in the bombings, it is clear they were sacrificed as two pawns in an international plot. They were made patsies, to take all of the blame. Most likely by their own family, then by the family's "handlers."
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She could play the Tsarnaev mom in the TV-movie version. |
With his many trips to Russia, Tamerlan Tsarnaev sounds eerily familiar to Lee Harvey Oswald. Perhaps a "Manchurian Candidate." Maybe this phantom "Misha" (who denies everything, and is also strangely not getting dragged into "interrogation" by the authorities) performed an "exorcism" on him, perhaps in the service of making him "a better Muslim"- really, some sort of mind-control or brainwashing.
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Lee Harvey Oswald |
It's about creating patsies -- an army of gullible and expendable people-robots who will never reach a higher rank in the organization, will never be initiated in the deepest secrets, and most likely will never live long enough to enjoy the money they may receive.
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James Holmes |
When I was in my very early 20s I received a college scholarship by a major foundation; this, despite the fact that I didn't go looking for the scholarship (it came to me, I was literally pressured into accepting it) and my grades were so-so (I was the classic underachiever). I attended a series of summer seminars, the first of which were about building an idealized new society (!), and was sent to these strange "mixers" with really important people where I was taught to "speak" and watched lectures.
Towards the end of my scholarship, I was offered money by one of the professors (who had his own sketchy past) to meet some of his "friends" in London and get a hotel near the meeting place. I took the money at first -- but then had a really bad feeling, shoved the cash back under my teacher's closed office door, and never looked back.
Was I being "groomed?"
Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? I just followed my gut that day. I just didn't (and still don't) believe that you get something for nothing.